Learn how to inspect secrets in my videos.
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Learn how to inspect secrets in my videos.
Last updated
You can slow youtube videos down (without downloading them) via
User player tool 1 ( 🌍 ) to download basically... Anything. You can download subtitles/descriptions etc of youtube videos. You can then use an application like capcut to slow the video down, inspect audio and more. If you inspect settings, there's plugins for specific websites like youtube - you can download entire playlists in just clicks. (including reddit posts hint hint) You can use the crawl functions to crawl links inside the link you are downloading - and it will download those too.
Vidya (2nd Character AKA 🔑Master) Still needs to deliver a package for player tool 1.
Use PlayerTools2 After downloading using PT1 to inspect downloaded content. Future will have more tutorials giving examples of general usage like downloading and basic effects like slowing down.
AKA One Commander. One Commander pro includes free frameworks included for convience that allows actions like downloading a yt video/subs etc - DIRECTLY INSIDE OC instead of having to download the repo's from github and then set them up via Command-Line-Interface(CLI=Command prompts basically). Upcoming tutorial for it so stay tuned on my youtube!
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