Tool 2 Video-Editors
Will eventually have guides on how to edit it via code-generation etc.
Last updated
Will eventually have guides on how to edit it via code-generation etc.
Last updated
Features: Shotcut is an open-source video editor that supports cross-platform editing (Windows, Linux, macOS). It has a lightweight feel compared to other video editors and includes the basic timeline editing you're after.
Extensibility: Shotcut is modifiable, as it's open source, and it has a wide range of filters and plugins. Users can also create their own filters using MLT (Media Lovin' Toolkit).
Scripting: Shotcut allows automation through scripts, and you can work on your own plugins if you dive into its source code. You can use Shotcut to quickly snip out parts of videos before moving them into something more advanced like CapCut.
Low-Spec Usage: It’s less demanding than many mainstream video editors and should perform reasonably well on low-spec systems.
GitHub: The source code is available on Shotcut's GitHub repository.
Just found out about this light-weight gem, this is the literal equivilant of a video-editor like GIMP/Irfanview/VLC Player. You can develop and edit the source code to meet your personal needs, this is crucial for the ARG as you can optionally learn how to create code using GPT WHILE participating - Education and fun should go hand-in-hand.
I found this in my research for more universal Player Tools that are light-weight for quick edits/inspections - thus ensuring players have more means to learn/participate.
DaVinci Resolve (WIP)
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