Last updated
Last updated
Please see the new discord which uses verification bots to ensure you're 1. A human and 2. not using an alt/banned account. Anyone can join and verify to get a role, as long as not a bad actor. Verification uses the public bot Aunty
To make sure other users are also safer, offering some peace of mind for the non-techies. I will have my own bots eventually depending if I get donations to support my ARG - that interact with GPT's/other API's.
Verify yourself via verification channel
After reading basic rules click a reaction to get a role
Each emoji gives a different role, each role opens different parts of the discord - allowing you to opt out of certain channels etc. You will need arg roles to see the ARG channels, grab the regular member role 👀to see the general discord (non-ARG). The 👁️is an ARG-Member role.
Figuring out how to implement things still.
Added New Player-Tool (wip):
See ⏳Track Anything Tutorials-TBD(FREE) To unlock a reusable/moddable RSS Web-Script anyone can run to combine unlimited RSS urls into just one feed... In just mins Checkout:
For new tutorials on how to update everything in windows for free, in just mins using a secret developer dashboard. Checkout: ARG GitBook Added new lore/lexicon and art entries.
Updated Windows Space, with 2 full tutorials
Added many new pages and full tutorials and back/forward links. Checkout the future free way to track anything with RSS, combine unlimited RSS feeds into just ONE url
You can contact/interact with players and myself much easier using discord, as well as track updates via optional announcement channels etc. Has fully integrated reaction roles and roles manually handed out to riddle-solvers
Updated the manual by adding new tools
--- 11-12