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Browser Extension:
Imagine a password manager you have 1000% control over including notes and attachments of ANY kind (will make the vault bigger obviously), can even use them as advanced ZIPs!
Using vaults as complex zips, since it uses SQL database format, you can do literally anything you want with it. If someone gets the vault file, it would take them ages to brute-force it - so you can manually or even automatically sync to your choice of cloud.
Since it's amazing database, you can do something proton doesn't have - adding actual attachments TO entries! I shouldn't need to explain how awesome and practical this is.
Super-Duper encrypted files ontop of everything else, could have passworded zips inside your keepass vault even.
After importing CSV's etc from say protonpass, you will still need to do editing and understand basic search syntax in order to find a needle among hundreds. Simplest is what google uses. You can have multiple search terms in quotes to narrow it down like so: "name" "website" etc.
open-source 100% private even offline One Time Password support 256 encryptions with notes AND ATTACHEMENTs! Future ARG might have them hidden and locked, leading you to rewards once you solve riddles